Wednesday, March 25, 2009

100 things I've done in my life

I read on someone else's blog somewhere and since I'm bored at work I thought "why not?" Then I realized this was taking way longer than I thought...but it's done now!

Things Shae's Done:

  1. Started my own blog
  2. Slept under the stars
  3. Danced in the streets (multiple times)
  4. Visited Hawaii
  5. Watched a meteor shower
  6. Went rock climbing outdoors and made it to the top
  7. Seen Niagra Falls in person
  8. Climbed a mountain
  9. Held a praying mantis
  10. Sang a solo
  11. Danced with Frankie Manning
  12. Held a starfish and a sea cucumber
  13. Watched fireworks from a lake
  14. Taught myself an art from scratch
  15. Stuck paperclips in a socket (dont' do this FYI.)
  16. Had food poisoning
  17. Been to the top of the Sears Tower
  18. Grown my own vegetables (right now! :))
  19. Seen The Declaration Of Independence
  20. Watched a chick hatch
  21. Had a pillow fight
  22. Hitch hiked (on accident)
  23. Taken a sick day because I was sick of work
  24. Built a snow fort
  25. Rubbed an alligator's belly
  26. Climbed a tree
  27. Watched puppies being born
  28. Ice skated on an outdoor rink
  29. Seen a banana tree (they grow upside down!!)
  30. Watched a sunrise and a sunset
  31. Flew an airplane (flew it! Myself! With someone there in case I messed up!)
  32. Climbed to the top of the Hill Cumorah, many many many times
  33. Been to the Sacred Grove at night
  34. Been kissed on a beach
  35. Seen an Amish community
  36. Learning to read a different language (maybe speak it someday)
  37. Went clay pigeon shooting and hit some clay pigeons (with bullets!)
  38. Stood on the step that the "I have a dream" speech was given from
  39. Written a love song
  40. Rolled down a grassy hill
  41. 4ung karaoke
  42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
  43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
  44. Met President Hinkley
  45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
  46. Rolled Easter eggs down a hill (I'm sure mine won)
  47. Had your portrait painted
  48. Swam in the ocean
  49. Held a shark
  50. Been to the top of the Washington Monument
  51. Been Snorkeling
  52. Kissed in the rain
  53. Played in the mud
  54. Been to a drive-in theater
  55. Been in a play
  56. Invented new lifts for swing dancing
  57. Been dropped on my head while swing dancing
  58. Kicked someone in the head while swing dancing
  59. Slapped someone
  60. Restrained from slapping someone (although I'm sure they deserved it)
  61. Fell asleep by the fire
  62. Never stopped believing in Santa Claus to some extent
  63. Got flowers for no reason
  64. Had my tonsils removed
  65. Danced like no one was watching, even when they were
  66. Cried over the news
  67. Maxed out a credit card
  68. Danced in point shoes
  69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
  70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
  71. Eaten Caviar
  72. Pieced a quilt
  73. Stood behind a waterfall
  74. Been lost in a city
  75. Been laid off from a job (2 now actually)
  76. Seen the changing of the guard at the unknown soldiers tomb
  77. Never broken a bone
  78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
  79. Built a tree house
  80. Attended the inauguration of the first black president
  81. Given a speech
  82. Worn a tutu (in front of a large audience)
  83. Had a crush on someone and never told them
  84. Had your picture in the newspaper
  85. Read the entire Book of Mormon in 2 weeks
  86. Seen the White House in person
  87. Caught a fish
  88. Had chickenpox
  89. Been proposed to
  90. Never had stitches because I cut myself, only surgical stiches
  91. Been forgiven and forgave
  92. Joined a book club
  93. Lost a loved one
  94. Been scared of the dark
  95. Jumped on a trampoline (even managed a flip or two)
  96. Driven across the country
  97. Been in a car accident
  98. Become addicted to my cell phone
  99. Been stung by a bee
  100. Read an entire book in one day

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