I read on someone else's blog somewhere and since I'm bored at work I thought "why not?" Then I realized this was taking way longer than I thought...but it's done now!
Things Shae's Done:
- Started my own blog
- Slept under the stars
- Danced in the streets (multiple times)
- Visited Hawaii
- Watched a meteor shower
- Went rock climbing outdoors and made it to the top
- Seen Niagra Falls in person
- Climbed a mountain
- Held a praying mantis
- Sang a solo
- Danced with Frankie Manning
- Held a starfish and a sea cucumber
- Watched fireworks from a lake
- Taught myself an art from scratch
- Stuck paperclips in a socket (dont' do this FYI.)
- Had food poisoning
- Been to the top of the Sears Tower
- Grown my own vegetables (right now! :))
- Seen The Declaration Of Independence
- Watched a chick hatch
- Had a pillow fight
- Hitch hiked (on accident)
- Taken a sick day because I was sick of work
- Built a snow fort
- Rubbed an alligator's belly
- Climbed a tree
- Watched puppies being born
- Ice skated on an outdoor rink
- Seen a banana tree (they grow upside down!!)
- Watched a sunrise and a sunset
- Flew an airplane (flew it! Myself! With someone there in case I messed up!)
- Climbed to the top of the Hill Cumorah, many many many times
- Been to the Sacred Grove at night
- Been kissed on a beach
- Seen an Amish community
- Learning to read a different language (maybe speak it someday)
- Went clay pigeon shooting and hit some clay pigeons (with bullets!)
- Stood on the step that the "I have a dream" speech was given from
- Written a love song
- Rolled down a grassy hill
- 4ung karaoke
- Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
- Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
- Met President Hinkley
- Walked on a beach by moonlight
- Rolled Easter eggs down a hill (I'm sure mine won)
- Had your portrait painted
- Swam in the ocean
- Held a shark
- Been to the top of the Washington Monument
- Been Snorkeling
- Kissed in the rain
- Played in the mud
- Been to a drive-in theater
- Been in a play
- Invented new lifts for swing dancing
- Been dropped on my head while swing dancing
- Kicked someone in the head while swing dancing
- Slapped someone
- Restrained from slapping someone (although I'm sure they deserved it)
- Fell asleep by the fire
- Never stopped believing in Santa Claus to some extent
- Got flowers for no reason
- Had my tonsils removed
- Danced like no one was watching, even when they were
- Cried over the news
- Maxed out a credit card
- Danced in point shoes
- Saved a favorite childhood toy
- Visited the Lincoln Memorial
- Eaten Caviar
- Pieced a quilt
- Stood behind a waterfall
- Been lost in a city
- Been laid off from a job (2 now actually)
- Seen the changing of the guard at the unknown soldiers tomb
- Never broken a bone
- Been on a speeding motorcycle
- Built a tree house
- Attended the inauguration of the first black president
- Given a speech
- Worn a tutu (in front of a large audience)
- Had a crush on someone and never told them
- Had your picture in the newspaper
- Read the entire Book of Mormon in 2 weeks
- Seen the White House in person
- Caught a fish
- Had chickenpox
- Been proposed to
- Never had stitches because I cut myself, only surgical stiches
- Been forgiven and forgave
- Joined a book club
- Lost a loved one
- Been scared of the dark
- Jumped on a trampoline (even managed a flip or two)
- Driven across the country
- Been in a car accident
- Become addicted to my cell phone
- Been stung by a bee
- Read an entire book in one day
WOW! What a list! I love it-