Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alive and Well!

No one needs to tell me how bad I am at this, let's just all admit Shae has a really hard time doing anything organized and move one. But some quick updates are in order. Darren has graduated from George Washington law school as of May and is now studying madly for the Bar Exam. I keep calling this Bar Exam his final on accident but it sounds right. Only he's studied way more for this than finals. I swear it's like the stuff he spent the last 3 years learning have nothing to do with the bar or something. I'm finally learning my new job function as of yesterday (don't worry, I've had a new title for 5 months now.) and work has been insane enough to make me wonder if I can get a law passed that will give me an extra two hours each day. (Get to work on that Darren!) I've been missing my friends a lot, both those in Utah and those that graduated from law school with Darren and moved to other uninhabited lands. (Seriously? Indianapolis? Come on Ross you can't go making stuff up.) I got to spend a week in Utah with family and what not but it wasn't all that relaxing as I had packed WAY too much into that teeny little week. Other than that, I'm just living the dream!

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